Saturday Schedule is regular with 9AM & 10AM Classes


Front Squat: 60/2, 70/2, 75/2, 80/2, 84/1, 88/1

4 Rounds for total reps,
AMRAP in 3 min:
2 Hang Squat Clean (115/75 | R+ 155/105)
2 Burpees | R+ HSPU
4 Hang Clean
4 Burpees | R+ HSPU
8,8 etc

Rest 2 min after every AMRAP and start back over at 2 every round


Snatch: work to max single allowing for 3 total misses in a 12 minute window

CJ: Work to max single allowing for 2 total misses in a 12 minute window

10 min. Alt. EMOM
E – 1 L-sit rope climbs to 10 feet. (raise and lower in L)
O – 15 GHD hip extensions

After Cond: 100 hollow rock for time… don’t let your lower back lose contact with the ground!

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