READ: Training Vs. Testing
21-15-9 for Time:
Deadlifts (Heavy but Perfect)
Box Jumps (24/20)
In teams of 2-4, For Time:
800M Farmers Walk
Every time bars are dropped/switched, everyone does 15 air squats. Weight determined by coach for each team.
Accumulate 100 hollow v-ups throughout training
Back Squat: 60/3, 70/3, 80/2, 85/1 x2sets
No heavier, max Monday
Snatch Duck Walk x 20 feet + 5 Sotts Press + 20ft walk x 3 sets
Snatch: Every 60 sec x 6 sets: at 80% complete 1 rep
CJ: Every 90 sec x 6 sets: at 80% complete 1 rep
5 minutes of skill work transitioning from:
T2B to PU to C2B to Bar MU
No rips!