Holiday Schedule

Saturday Dec 24th: 9AM Community WOD (bring family and friends!)
Sunday Dec 25th: Closed
Monday Dec 26th: 9AM / 10AM
Monday Jan 2nd: 9AM / 10AM

If you are bringing someone new for the community WOD, please have them fill out a Free Trial Form online before they arrive. CLICK HERE


“Partner Cindy”
In teams of 2, alternating complete rounds, for AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats


10 min. EMOM – Snatch + OHS building for max for the day

11 min. to find max Clean + FS + Jerk

8 min. Every 30 sec. – AMRAP alt. pistols in 10 sec.

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