2 Sets
15/12 Calorie Row
10 Alt Tripod w/ OH Reach
40′ Knee Over Toe Lunges
10 e/side Side Plank Reach Through

Side Plank Reach Through: youtube.com/watch?v=RXlHKL_NEN8

Back Squat: 4 Sets of 6
Speed Squats – drive up FAST
Rest: 2-3 Minutes between sets

Try and increase the weight slightly from what you performed last Saturday.

In Teams of 2, Partners Alternating Rounds, AMRAP in 2 Minutes (6 Rounds):
250m/200m Row
10 Power Clean (95/65) | (135/95)
Max Pull-ups in Remaining Time

then, immediately into…

AMRAP in 2 Minutes (6 Rounds)
10 BB Front Squat
8 Burpee Over Bar
Max Toes to Bar in Remaining Time

Total Workout Time is 24 Minutes