In teams of 2, alternating complete rounds for AMRAP in 24 minutes:
12 Alt. DB snatch (50/35 | R+ 70/50)
12 Ring Dips
12 Deadlifts (185/125 | R+ 225/155)
12 Pullups


8 min. EMOM
Above knee full snatch + below knee snatch: building
-rest 1 min.
8 min. to find 1rm of complex
-1 snatch pull to explode + 1 snatch from 2″ off ground
*lower to 2″ after pull to explode

Find max weighted KB pistols – 3 e/leg

3 sets – 10 hollow rocks + 10 hollow/arch swings on bar

4 sets – 5 Bar MU + 5 C2B + 5 TTB

4 sets of 12 weighted situps (anchor feet)

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