Saturday TEAM WOD 9:30AM

NO Kids Class. (Going to a Wedding)

The Lifestyle Leprechaun Did it Again…

Jeremy Kinnick is a CrossFit Games Competitor, but he wasn’t an amazing college athlete or Olympic gymnast. He was normal guy that wanted to lose weight, sound familiar. Here’s a short version of his story.

In an effort to keep things simple, I encourage you to setup autopay. Most you already have a card on file, but if you would like, I can setup autopay. Please let me know. Thanks!

I told some of you I would post this. When I say fast, I’m talking about this…


Teams of 2
One person working at a time
One person holding 45/25# plate overhead (not on the head)
If plate is lowered, work must stop
If plate is dropped, 5 burpee penalty for both athletes

For Time:
Jumping Squats
Knees to Elbow
Clapping Pushups

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