
Open Gym at 8:30am
CubFit (5-7) from 900am-930am
WOD at 9:30am

The next few weeks will be slightly different with the Open starting. Posts may be coming out later than usual.


15min to practice a lacking gymnastic skill (HSPU, pull-up, handstand walk, muscle-up, wall walk, etc.)

3 rounds for total reps in teams of 2:
90 sec ME Front Squats 135/95#
90 sec ME Weighted Push-ups 45/25#
90 sec ME KBS 24/16kg
90 sec ME Pull-ups
Rest 1 Min
NOTES: One person working at a time, one bar (within reason). Bar must be taken from the ground. For push-ups, partner will place plate on the back of the teammate and spot to ensure the plate doesn’t fall off, chest must touch ground, arms must extend without worm.

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