Stretch (~30sec per stretch/position)

Dynamic Warm-up

2 Sets
10 Scap Pull-ups
10 Alternating Tripod w/ Overhead Reach
15e/side Side Plank DB Powell Raise (3-10#)
10-20sec Mid Push-up Iso-Hold

4 sets
5/5/4/3 Bench Press (31X1)
Max Effort Dips/Box Dips in 20sec
Rest 2 minutes

Set 1-2 = RPE 7 (50-60% 1RM)
Set 3-4 = RPE 8 (60-70% 1RM)

AMRAP in 12 Minutes:
Every 3 Minutes, starting at 00:00, start with a 200m Run then complete as many rounds of 3/6/9 (Rx) | 5/10/15 (Rx+) Cindy as possible within remaining time. Pickup reps/movements where you left off after every run.

(Rx): 3 Pull-up + 6 Push-up + 9 Air Squat
(Rx+) Cindy: 5 Pull-up + 10 Push-up + 15 Air Squat

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