Foam Roll (6 Minutes)
1 Minute Per Stretch (30 sec per side):
Pigeon Stretch
Cobra/Downward Dog Stretch
Child’s Pose
Dynamic Warm-up
4 Sets
3 Rope Climb Laying to Standing | 2 Rope Climbs
20 KB Pike Leg Lift Over | 10 Strict T2B
15sec Headstand Hold | 5 Headstand to Knee Tuck*
(Sub with 15 Seated DB Strict Press if you’re unable to go on your head)
(1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPpVE-qSyoE
(2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbefuM-AlhE
(3) https://youtu.be/m7WtrbHgMhM?t=6
*Either work on holding the Tripod (Head and Hands) with your knees on your elbows, or perform the tucks.
Tabata (20sec Work/10sec Rest) – 3 Rounds (6 Minutes):
(1) Alt Single Leg V-Up
(2) Side Plank Hip Tap (L)
(3) Side Plank Hip Tap (R)
(4) Hollow Hold