2 Sets
200m Run
20′ Bear Crawl (Fwd) + 20′ Bear Crawl (Bwd)
10 Alt Tripod w/ Overhead Reach
10 Prone Trap Raise (paused at top)*

Prone Trap Raise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEbfWVKSpZc
*Keep shoulders packed down and away from ears (shrugging)

3 Sets
1.1.1 Strict Chin-ups*
10e/arm Single Arm DB Bent Over Row
15 Glute Bridge DB Floor Press

*Cluster reps – 1 rep, 10sec rest, 1 rep, 10sec rest, 1 rep
Make reps challenging and add weight if needed

3 Rounds (No Measure):
400m Run
5e/arm Half Turkish Sit-up (53/35)
10 Burpee Pull-up

Half Turkish Sit-up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-B1_MP-PUE