(6-8 Minute) Foam Roll/LXB Smash – Prioritize hip, calves, and psoas

Dynamic Stretches into…

10 Cat Cows
12 Alternating Scorpion Twists
10 Dive Bomber Push-ups
12 Alternating Tripod w/ Overhead Reach

200m Run

3-4 Sets
8-10 DB Pullover
10-12 Banded Chin-ups
Max Reps Bar Dips*
12-15 GHD Sit-ups or 20sec Hollow Holds

*scale with bench/box dips

For time (20 Minute Cap):
400m | 800m Run
200m DBall Carry (80/50)
400m Run
10 KB Turkish get-ups* (35/18) | (53/35)
400m Run
200m DBall Carry (80/50)
400m | 800m Run

*5 reps per side

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