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7th out of over 800 affiliates in the South Central (TX, LA, MO) Region. We should be at least 4th though… Get those registrations in!


– 2 min e/arm tricep mash
– 2 min. overhead stretch with bar in rack
– 2 min. e/arm banded wrist disctration
– 30 steps each direction – banded 1/4 squat monster walks

Skill Work
12-15 minutes of athletes choice of non-weighted movement practice with help of coach

Alternating Tabata for 8 sets of each:
Hollow Hold
Wall-walk to Handstand Hold (nose to wall if able)
Superman Hold
High Hang Squat Snatch or Clean (50% or less)
-Alternate movements every set, 20 sec on, 10 sec off. Athlete’s choice of Snatch or Clean (pick the one you would rather NOT do 🙂