
The new CrossFit Wylie Baseball Tees have arrived just in time for the Fall weather! They are in stock and ready for you to pickup! Don’t let the model deter you, they look great! (Remember to add that card to Triib so you can use the Kiosk). 


Foam Roll Glute & Hamstring – 3 min
Smash Pec & Triceps – 3 min

Strength/ Skill
4 Supersets:
5 Strict Chin-ups (add weight as able)
3 Wall Walks w/ 5-second hold at top

Conditioning – “CrossFit Golf”
The objective of “CrossFit Golf” is to complete the prescribed movements in the fewest possible number of sets. For example, if the goal is 10 Pull Ups and it takes you 5, 3, and 2 reps complete the 10, then your score would be 3. This WOD is not for time so you may rest in between sets. But you do need to complete the movements in order, with the group.

Perform the following 8 movements in the fewest possible number of sets:
40 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
30 Knees to Elbows
30 Overhead Squats (75/45)
50 Double Unders
50 Thrusters (45/35)

Scaling of any movement should be done with the intention of completing the prescribed number of reps in 3-4 sets, don’t make it too easy. 🙂