Happy New Year CrossFit Wylie!

2014 has been amazing for CrossFit Wylie, our community is stronger and better than ever and we are having the most fun we’ve had since opening nearly three years ago.
The size of the gym doubled this time last year, we had two American Open Championship Qualifiers, we went over capacity on the HG Sply Co. Roof Top, we had one of the biggest teams from Texas for the CrossFit Games, we donated $10,ooo to the Cystic Fibrosis foundation, and did a lot of burpees! I’m sure we are forgetting a ton, but I’m sure we will top it all in 2015!

Here’s to us all being better, stronger, faster, healthier, and happier in 2015!

Noon Class Only on Thursday


Five rounds for reps:
50 seconds of Situps
10 second Transition
50 seconds of Dumbbell Man-Makers (45+/25+)
10 second Transition
50 seconds of Wall Walks (Nose to Wall)
10 second Transition