Mobility Classes start NEXT THURSDAY, not this Thursday. There seams to be a lot of interest, this makes Laura very happy!

Also we received a lot of feedback on the pull-up post last night, particularly from the athletes wanting to lean out. To get the ball rolling on this, I’ve (finally) added a Nutrition Page to the website. Not a ton of details, but a good intro to get you going.

Don’t forget to sign up for the Open and CF4CF!


1) Back Squats 5×3@65-75% w/ 3 second pause
Descend to absolute bottom (with a straight back) and hold for 3 full seconds, then explode up.

2) Three sets for max reps of:
60 seconds of Hang Power Clean (95/65)
60 seconds of Front Squat
60 seconds of Push Press
60 seconds of Rest


Recovery and/or Makeup Day
Friday should be broken into two 1 hour sessions (AM & PM), if possible. Just a heads up.