Friday Schedule

530AM, 830AM, and 400PM only on Friday.
Heats for Friday night will be announced tomorrow night.

Protein Investigation on Dr. Oz

Dr. Oz and a consumer research firm found dangerous amounts of lead in some protein powders and others simply didn’t have the nutritional values they claimed.
Know what you are putting in your body!
That’s why we sell  grass fed, free ranged derived protein. Only the best.
See the short videos here: Part 1, Part 2.

Mobility WOD

This class will be completely focused on the Squat. In the past few weeks Laura has gone talked about the ankle and hip. This week she will go over the squat from top to bottom.


If you are completing the Open workout Friday, do not do anything too heavy or intense Thursday!

A1) 4x500M Row NOT for time
Should be 80-90% effort.

A2) Between Rows spend 10-15 minutes working on a skill or technique (oly lift, gymnastic skill, double under, etc.). Do NOT go heavier than 10’s, do not do too many reps. Focus on quality.

B) Attend the Mobility Class

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