Last couple days to sign up for the CrossFit Wylie Fantasy Football League. If you signed up already, please pay your $20.
Extra) GHD Hip Extensions 3X8
Add band resistamce if needed. Perform 20 DU between each set.
1) Back Squats 5X3 @80%
2) Four rounds for time:
15 Wallballs (20/12)
10 Toes to Bar
5 Power Cleans (135/95)
Mobility) The Gargoyle with Bar – 4 minutes (off and on)
If you can’t squat deep enough for this to be effective do our squat mobility that we do during warmups (hold foot, knee out, then roll foot over and force knee out).
Competition Training
Active Recovery Day
Make sure and do something active like a sport or a jog. Something. Don’t sit around all day.