New Coaches!!!


Please help us in welcoming our two newest Coaches!

Robert Hernandez has been with us since 2012 and has always been invaluable to the community. Travis Barbosa has been a CrossFit Wylie athlete since early 2013, and is extremely knowledgeable and dedicated to helping others.

These two will be an excellent addition to the coaching team and are extremely excited to help make your experience as good as possible. Over the next couple of months they will be going through our new Coach On Ramp (COR) program and will be coaching their own classes before you know it.

Thursday Mobility Class
8:30AM Only


3 min of Quad Smash (Roller or Barbell)
3 min of Glute and/or Low Back Smash (Lacrosse Ball)
3 min Athlete Choice Mobility

Four Sets:
60 Seconds of Double Under or Triple Under Practice
Rest 60 seconds
3 Wall Walks with 5 sec hold at top
Rest 60 seconds

10 min AMRAP:
15 Abmat Situps
15 Pushups
100 Meter OH Walk (35/25)

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