Friday Night Lights
Is back with 15.4 this week! Only two more workouts to go and Rated Rx is out front in the team challenge but there are still a lot of points to be had. A reminder that participation points are key, and you must do the workout Friday night and submit your score on the Games website to earn your points! We saw a lot of people lose valuable points after not submitting their scores for 15.3.

Next week, March 27th, will be the last Friday Night Lights for the 2015 Open. It will also mark CrossFit Wylie’s 3rd Anniversary! We’d love for all of the Members and their families to come enjoy it with us!


Front Rack and Ankle Mobility

In Teams of 2, one person working at a time:
AMRAP in 5 minutes:
Row 50 Calories
Time Remaining: Max Burpees
AMRAP in 4 minutes:
Row 40 Calories
Time Remaining: Max Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
AMRAP in 3 minutes:
Row 30 Calories
Time Remaining: Max Air Squats