A great photo of the “power position”: Bar close, arms straight, vertical torso, knees bent, feet flat. The next frame would show him at full extension (jumping) with the arms still extended, then quickly shrugging/pulling under the bar. Great shirt too.


1) 3 Rounds for Quality:
12-15 V-Ups
4-6 Strict Weighted Pullups
45-60 second Plank from Elbows

2) 8 rounds for total time:
Run 100 Meters
3 Push Press (95/65 lbs)
4 Burpees Over the Barbell
3 Push Press
4 Burpees Over the Barbell
60 seconds Rest


1) Three sets for quality:
10-12 Kipping Handstand Push-Up
40-50 Double-Unders
45-60 second L-Sit

2) EMOM for 12 minutes:

WWF WODs 1&2 (Use a running clock for these)
3) 1000M “Blind” Row for Time (5 min cap)
This has to be complete blind (with the monitor flipped down). Find someone to get your time when you reach 1000, they cannot hint at your distance before 1000M.

Begin at the 6 min mark:
4) Establish a 3RM T&G Ground to Shoulder (cleans or power cleans)
Starting Weights:
Women SC – 55#, 85#, 125#, 145#
Women RX – 85#, 125#, 145#, 165#
Men SC – 95#, 135#, 155#, 185#
Men RX – 135#, 155#, 185#, 205#, 225#
*Men can only increase by increments of #20
*Women can only can only increase by increments of #10