Everyone did great and we had a lot of first time C2B workouts today, but remember prescribed Chest-to-Bar Pullups require your chest to make contact with the bar for the rep to count. I adjusted a few I saw, but I’m sure there are more. Go adjust your result or the Rx button if you counted any reps where your chest didn’t make contact. When you redo that workout in a few months, you don’t want to short yourself the satisfaction of a PR because you cut yourself some slack today.


A1) Deficit Handstand Pushup 5×3, at biggest deficit possible
Rest 60 sec
A2) Good Morning 5×8-12 at medium load
Rest 60 sec

B) 4 Rounds for time (20 min cap):
5 Power Clean & Push Jerk (155/105)
25 Double Unders
25 Abmat Situps
Rest 1 min between rounds


A) Clean from Hip x3 + Hang Clean x2 + Jerk x1
3 sets @ 75%
rest 90 sec

B) Jerk Balance
rest 90 sec

C) 3 Rounds For Time:
5 Deficit HSPU (6in/4in)
10 T2B
20 UB DU
50ft HS Walk
Complete 3 rounds, then rest 1:1 and repeat.