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14.2 is done. Over. History. Time to move on and up…
Speaking of moving up, you can check out the standings CrossFit Wylie athletes here. Bookmark the links, they will update weekly:
CrossFit Wylie Men
CrossFit Wylie Women
CrossFit Wylie Mix


3 Rounds for Time (25 minute cap):
30 KB Swing (Vertical Bell 53/35)
400m run
20 Wall Ball (20/14)
400m run
10 Toes To Bar

If you don’t finish, add 1 sec for each incomplete rep, not including runs.

The time cap is there to push the intensity. If you aren’t going to finish and it’s obvious, treat it as an AMRAP and push hard.


A) Clean & Jerk off blocks from below knee
3×3 @ 75%, rest 2 min

B) Perform @ 65%-70% intensity

3 Rounds for Time:
30 KB Swing (Vertical Bell 53/35)
400m run

Rest 1 min

3 Rounds for Time:
20 Wall Ball (20/14)
200m run

rest 1 min

3 Rounds for Time:
20 Toes To Bar
250m row

rest 1 min

3 Rounds for Time:
500 m row