WATCH: The “Fed Up” Trailer

Whole Life Challenge – Starts Saturday

You can still join the CrossFit Wylie WLC TEAM!
We will meet Wednesday night at 7:00PM for a kick-off meeting and Q&A. It’s NOT mandatory, but this will be the best time to get help and questions answered. We will do the Whole Life Benchmark Workout on Thursday. If you can’t make it Thursday, make it up when you can.

Also, I think some of you registered without joining the CrossFit Wylie Team. Make sure you’re on the team!

Friday’s Schedule

This week only: Open Gym from 5:30-9:00AM & 4:00-6:00PM.
There will be coaches available and a WOD posted, but you are free to come in and work on whatever you want for as long as you want.


Power clean – 15 min to find Heavy Single, NO MISSES
If you miss, go back to 85% and work on technique.

6 Rounds for Time (20 min cap)
200M Run
15 Abmat Situps
5 Shoulder to Overhead (155/95)


Hang Snatch – Work up to heavy double for day

Back Squat – Heavy single then 2×2@80%