

Just a reminder, the Open Gym and 9:30AM classes have been removed. We are always looking to make the schedule easiest for everyone, your suggestions do not go unnoticed.

Club Championship

The scoreboard is up to date. We are working on the heat list for this Friday, please let us know if you can’t make it. This Friday will be similar to last Friday, plan on being there and ready to workout no later than 6PM.

There will be a BBQ/Party afterwards. More info to come…


Extra) Split Jerk – Find 2 Rep Max

1) Back Squat 4X6 w/ 2 second pause
Build to heavy set.

2) In teams of two, partners alternate rounds to complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
10 Wall Balls (20/12 lbs)
10 KBS (53/35 lbs)
10 Hand-Release Push-Ups

Competition Training

1) Three sets, not for time, of:
Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold x 60-90 seconds
Double-Unders x 50 reps
Sotts Press x 5 reps – DEMO w/ K-Star

2) Take 20 minutes to today’s 1-RM Split Jerk

3) For 18 minutes, rotate through the following on the minute:
Minute 1 – 5/3 Muscle-Ups
Minute 2 – 10/6 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Minute 3 – 15 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
You’ll hit each of these stations 6 times. Scale for MU is *Stomach-to-Bar Pullups + Ring Dips.
*Get as high as possible on the pullup.