81 PRs today!!! You girls and guys are such badasses! 

Reminder, the Body Analytics Test is Tuesday afternoon!
You will be submerged in water with your nose and mouth just slightly out of the water. You need to bring a swimsuit and a towel. There’s a private dressing room on board. The test takes less than 10 minutes. Workout after your test, NOT before.

Eating within 2 hours before the test may affect your results by up to 2%. Therefore, we advise you to NOT to eat within two hours before the test.

Hoodies have been ordered!


A) Weighted Supinated Pullups: 4×5
rest as needed
B) Weighted Ring Dips: 4×5
rest as needed

AMRAP in 8 min X2
20 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
15 Box Jumps (24/20)
10 Push Press (115/75)
Rx+: 10 HSPU

Rest 4 min and Repeat


5 sets:
Power Clean+ 2 Split Jerk
10 Burpees
Build in weight each set. Burpees are done as sprint. Record load and and time of each burpee set.