Thanksgiving Schedule
Wed, 26th – Full Schedule (except 7PM)
Thur, 27th – 9AM FREE Community WOD (Bring your friends and family!)
Fri, 28th – 9AM & 5PM
Sat, 29th – 9AM & 10AM


From the ground: 1 Clean + 3 Jerks (power or split):
15 minute, to work to max triple,

For Time (20 min cap):
20 Ground-to-Overhead (95/65)
20 HR Pushups
50 Double Unders
15 GTO (115/75)
15 Clapping Pushups
40 Double Unders
10 GTO (135/95)
10 Ring Dips
30 Double Unders

A) Bench Press: 3×4 @ 80% of heavy single from last week,
rest as needed
B) Weighted Ring Dips: 3×5 AHAP,
rest as needed