
Beautiful Morning

The Hoodies are finally in!

If you pre-ordered one, please get it from a coach (please don’t shuffle through them without us). 

If you didn’t pre-order one, we did order a couple extra in each size, but we can not sell them until we hand out all of the pre-orders. Once they become available we will announce it. 


1) Back Squat 5X4@75-85%
The goal is to use the same load as last Monday.
Rest as needed, mobilize shoulders during rest.

2) “The Chief” – Compare to 10/02/2013
Five Rounds, each round is a 3 min AMRAP of:
3 Power Cleans (135/95)
6 Push-Ups
9 Air Squats
Rest 60 seconds between rounds. Pick up where you left off. Looking for perfect squats and pushups throughout the entire effort. 

Competition Training

1) Drop Snatch 5X1
No dip/drive, no foot movement.

2) Snatch 4X2@75-80%
Rest 10 seconds between singles.

3) 3-Position Clean 4X1@70%
High hang, mid-thigh, Floor. Rest as needed

4A) Clean Pull 3X3@100% of 1RM Clean
Rest 60 seconds
4B) Toes to Bar 3X12-15
Rest 60 seconds

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