“Community” – Written by Robert Hernandez

noun: community; plural noun: communities

a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.

What does it mean to you?  The neighborhood you live in?  The church you go to?  The local rec center or just the group of people you hang out with.  CrossFit gets accused of being one of the best communities in the world.  Having spent 4 years in the United States Marine Corp I would have to agree.  There is something about going to battle with your brothers (or sisters).  It draws you closer to your fellow Marine or in this case (athlete).   Every single WOD I tend to look around and see more than a few of my fellow athletes giving everything they have.  Very few things motivate me more than seeing someone overcome some preconceived idea or what they were capable of doing.  Breaking through the old self and finding your new normal.  Breaking personal records is always great.  Watching someone firsthand getting that first double under or first pull up is even better.  We share those victories proudly.  We also share those pains of that nagging injury or that struggle of squat day… We know those feelings and we can all relate on some level.  What drew me to CrossFit Wylie from day one is that feeling of “we are all in this together”.  Start to finish, we encourage one another.  You hear a lot about the last one finishing getting the biggest applause.  In no other sport can you find this.  In all other sports, only the winner gets celebrated.  How could you not feel a sense of community through that?!?

I felt like I needed to write this for a couple reasons…
First, to celebrate one of the best communities I have ever had the privilege to be associated with.  Secondly, to encourage you and all the others reading this to engage the rest of the community.  If you see someone you don’t know, it is your job to introduce yourself.  I hear tons of stories of people going into our gym and being openly welcomed their very first time trying it.  That is what it should be.  We all started at a different level.  No matter which level you are currently at, we can relate to that starting point.  Share your experiences and encourage your CrossFit family.  We are all trying to find ways to get better.  Better at showing up, better at a particular movement, better at mobility.   The coaches do a great job of explaining the foundation for the movements.  Sometimes the cue doesn’t always click.  In those moments after a WOD or even before, I like to go over those things in my head.  I bet there is someone there thinking the exact same thing.  I like to bounce ideas or strategy off of someone.  It helps me prepare and makes me a better athlete.  The truth is CrossFit is not life, but it is something that many of us spend a lot of time, energy and resources doing.  CrossFit Wylie is my second family.  I am proud to be a part of it and I am proud of every single one of you that show up every day to get your butt kicked in 4 minutes or less.  Only thing left to say is GO GET IT… – Robert

NOTICE –  Due to demand we just got in another order of hoodies, limited quantity and limited sizes, first come first serve! Get them soon!


A) Front Rack Step-Ups (20″/17″): 4 sets of 5 each leg,
rest 60 sec
B) Tall Box Jumps: 4 sets of 5, increase in height each set but don’t get crazy here,
rest as needed

4 Rounds:
1 Min Max Cal Row
1 Min Max Wallball (20/12)
1 min Max Ring Dips
1 min Max Burpee Over Box (24/20)
No rest, continuous for all 4 rounds.
Record total rep count per round, SCORE IS LOWEST ROUND TOTAL

Behind the Neck Jerk: 60/5, 70/4, 80/3, 90/2*3 sets
rest as needed

3 Push Press (from ground) + 50ft OH Carry: Every 45 sec for 6 sets @ 40% of Jerk 1RM
Go outside.

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