
Bending Bars & Killing PRs

This is the last week to sign up for the Olympic Weightlifting Meet.

If you pre-ordered a hoodie and haven’t picked it up, please do so, and get a work out in while you’re at it, you’ve missed over a week!


1A) Press 5X3
Rest 90 seconds
1B) Plank Walk Out 5X5 @ 3532 tempo
Walk hands out as far as possible (3 sec), hold for 5 seconds, walk hands back in (3 sec), hold hamstring stretch position for 2 seconds.
Rest 90 seconds

2) Three rounds for time (18 min cap):
10 Power Snatch (115/75)
30 HR Push-Ups
50 Double Unders


Three rounds, not for time (for the record, this is not a warm-up. Be sure to do a proper warm-up before trying to rep out muscle-ups):
Horizontal Ring Rows 10-12 reps @ 2111
Weighted Stationary Dips 4-6 reps @ 20X1
Bar Muscle Ups 3-5 reps

2) Four rounds for times of:
500 Meter Row
15/12 Handstand Push-Ups
15 Toes to Bar
5/3 Muscle-Ups
3 Minute Rest

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