
It seams like everyone that didn’t pre-order one, wants one, so here’s what we are going to do. This post will serve as the new “order sheet.” To place your request, comment on this post, on the website. NOT on Facebook, Twitter, Email, Instagram, Pintrest, Google, Text Message, MySpace (still a thing?), etc.

Include Full Name(s), Qty(s), Size(s) – Example:
Chris Coker – 1 Large

If you did pre-order, but aren’t happy with the size you got, do the same thing, but note that you want a Exchange in your comment. We will process all exchanges before processing new orders.

We will sell the remaining hoodies to the first people on the list (based on available).

We will place another order if there are enough additional requests to make the minimum order size. So even if you are late, put in your request. In a few days we will let everyone know if we have enough requests to order more.

Christmas Party – This Saturday – Dec. 21 – 7:00PM

-Paleo/Healthy Potluck, BYOB
-White elephant gift exchange, $15 limit
-All extra chairs and tables are appreciated

I know many of you single people avoid these things… I promise you won’t be bored or singled out, come enjoy yourself!


1) Split Jerk – 15-20 minutes of technique work

2) 6 Min AMRAP:
10 Burpees
15 Shoulder to Overhead 115/75
20 Pull-Ups


1) Three sets, not for time, of:
5-10 Strict Pullups
10-15 Meter Handstand Walk (or hold)
30-45 Second L-Sit

2) Snatch from Hips (vertical torso) 6×1
Rest 2-3 minutes

3A) Power Clean 4×6
Rest 60 seconds
3B) Shoulder to Overhead 4X8
Rest 60 seconds
Goal is to work on speed and efficiency. Start at 155/105 and increase load for each set.