
New Coach
Some of you have already met Coach Brianna Marble. Her and her family recently moved to this side of town and we are excited to have her join the team at CrossFit Wylie. She has been coaching CrossFit since 2012 and will be an excellent addition to our community. She is currently going through our Coach On-Ramp program so you will see her assisting while she gets to know everyone. Please help join us in making her feel welcome!

December Attendance Challenge
In December we challenged everyone to overcome the obligations, work, and stress involved with the holidays by attending 22 classes, and everyone that did so would receive a free shirt!
Here are the die-hards:
Harish (Attended Every Day in December!)
Patti (22 days)
John T. (22 days in his first month as a member!)
Dylan (22 days)
Angela (23 days)

Helping Our Neighbors
Everyone is well aware of the tornado damage in Rowlett and the surrounding areas. We will be going through the Lost-and-Found box and donating everything of use. There is a lot of stuff in there! If you think you may have lost something at the gym, check the box ASAP. If you would like to add to the donations, please bring anything you believe can be helpful. Many lost everything! Also feel free to use the members FB group to share links and info about donating and volunteering.

Another family is in need unrelated to the tornado… Jennie Rodriquez passed away Jan 1 after a long battle with an autoimmune disease. Jennie’s husband Rod owns CrossFit Alpha 1 Athlete in Plano and many of you have likely met him. He has been left with their two kids, Lexi(17)  and Avery(12), and a large amount of expenses. Please keep them all in your prayers and help if you can (link to fundraiser).


In teams of 2, alternating complete rounds, for 8 rounds each for time:
8 Deadlift (225/155 stay under 60% of 1RM)
20 Meter Run
8 Box Jump Overs (24/20 lateral if possible)
20 Meter Run

EMOM x 10 min:
Even min: 5 Strict Press from floor @ one heavy weight
Odd min: 6 Pullups @ 21X1 tempo


12 Min. EMOM – feet on box
E- 8/10 Ring pushups
O- 8/10 Ring rows

6 min. EMOM
– 1 Legless rope climb + 1 regular rope climb

Back Squat: Every 90 sec x 5 sets: 2 reps @ 90%