2 Sets
15e/side Single Leg Calf Raise
12-15 Rig Assisted Sissy Squat*
12e/side Side Plank Powell Raises
10 Alternating Push-up Pike Toe Touch
200m Run

5 Sets
2 Push Press (3sec pause overhead)
6-8 e/arm Single Arm DB Row
Rest 1-2 Minutes

Aim to go slightly heavier than last week on the last 2 working sets. If no previous record/history, start around 60-65% of your Push Press 1RM.

AMRAP 14 Minutes:
400m Run
12 | 20 Wallball (20/14)
30 | 50 Double Under
100m KB Farmer’s Carry (53/35) | (70/53)

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