The CrossFit Games Team Series starts this week.
It’s like the Open but with teams. It’s not a big deal, no special classes or late nights, but we will have some fun with it if you can put a team together. We have one solid Teen Division entry and at least one awesome (not young enough but not old enough to be masters) Team signed up. If anyone else wants to sign up you have a day or two. It’s 2 guys + 2 ladies, with Teen, Open, and Masters divisions. Info Here.
Clean + Jerk Dip w/ pause below knee: Every 90 sec: 60/3+1, 70/3+1, 75/3+1, 80/2+1, 85/2+1, 90/2+1*3 sets
AMRAP in 9 minutes:
3 Thrusters (95/65)
3 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
etc until time cap
Do Cleans first. From blocks below knee.
EMOM x 12 min:
odd min: 5 TNG Deadlift, increase load each set to heavy 5 rep
even min: 10 Barbell Floor Wipers
Superset – 5 rounds (stay hollow in each)
8 strict Pullups + 10 sec hold w/ chin over bar
6 Russian Dips
5-7 rounds as able (focus on consistency of the kip)
– 3 Kipping PU
– 5 Butterfly PU
– 15 sec. L-sit hold
Conditioning last or in separate session…