Deadlift: all touch and go fast reps: 10,8,6,6,6 build throughout
between sets: 10 Lateral Box Jump Overs AFAP at height that allows for speed, rest 90 sec
For Time (20 min cap):
50 Burpees
30 HR Pushups | R+ Ring Dips
100 DU
30 Alt DB Snatch (45/35 | R+ 70/45)
50 Burpees
Hang Clean into thruster: every 45 sec x 8 sets @ 50%
Clean Pull + Clean: Every 90 sec: 60/3, 65/3, 70/2, 75/2, 80/2, 85/2, 90/1*2 sets
4 min EMOM
30 sec HS hold in 4×6′ mat
30 GHD situps unbroken