Deadlift: 6 sets of 4 with 3 sec pause at top, building

6 rounds – 1:00 min. on/2:00 min. off
10 OHS (115/75)
Max KB swings in remaining time (53/35)

R+ 8 rounds – 1:00 min. on/2:00 min. off
10 OHS (135/95)
Max KB swings in remaining time (70/53)
*Only do this if you can go unbroken on all rounds of OHS with Rx weight.


11 min. EMOM – Squat clean thruster
*start at 50% and build

4 min. tabata – Chin and toes to wall

2 min. Max HS walk
rest 2 min.
2 min. Max HS walk