Our thoughts are with everyone that was affected by the storm, and we can’t thank the Von Runnen’s and Barber’s for taking care of our home while we are out of town – Chris

Tuesday Classes will be held as scheduled.


Clean + FS: 60/3+1, 70/3+1, 75/3+1, 80/3+1*3 sets

In teams of three, Max Calories in 10 Rounds:
30 sec sprint row for calories
10 sec transition to next partner

NOTES: Take turns rowing with a 10 sec transition. Each person rows ten 30 second rounds. HOWEVER, d
uring the rest you are not allowed to stop moving, and must continuously move at conversation pace, completing around 2 rounds of:
10 Walking Lunges
10 Medium Russian KB Swings
10 Abmat Situps


Before Class
Deadlift: Use Steel: 4×4 at one challenging weight

6 sets as able – 2-4 skin the cats lowering to hollow position

6 sets of 2 complexes w/ towel b/n feet
– Kip only + Kip w/ pull to rings + MU + Ring dip

After Conditioning
4 min. tabata – Hollow hold