LXB Smash: Hamstring, Glutes, Triceps
Box Ragdoll Stretch
Box Pigeon Stretch
Box Child’s Pose
Dynamic Warm-up

4 Sets:
3 Paused Bench Press @ 75% (1sec above chest)
10 e/arm Single Arm DB Rows
15 Supinated Banded Pull-aparts

AMRAP in 16 Minutes:
6 Strict Pull-up
8 HR Push-up
10 Box Jump Over (24/20)
15 Abmat Sit-up
20 Double Unders

*Beginning at the start of the workout (00:00), every 4 Minutes perform a 200m Run and then resume where you left off.

You will only complete 4 Rounds of 200m Run (:00, 4:00, 8:00, 12:00)