F R E S H S T A R T (1)

Podium Up. The Official USA Weightlifting Club of CrossFit Wylie and CrossFit Torva.


Deadlift, drop/reset: 60/5, 65/5, 70/5, 75/5
no rest
Ring Dips: 4×8, add weight if able, scale if needed
rest 90 sec

AMRAP in 12 min:
3 Ground to Overhead (115/75)
3 Front Squats (115/75)
3 Toes to Bar
6 Ground to Overhead (115/75)
6 Front Squats
6 Toes to Bar
…continue adding 3 reps every round until time is up

Extra (Do Weightlifting BEFORE Class)
Clean from blocks: every 90 sec: 60/3*3 sets, rest 1 min, 70/3*3 sets, rest 1 min, 80/2*3 sets, rest 1 min, 85/1, 88/1, 92/1, 95/1

2 min. Box shoulder Stretch

4 Rounds – keep rest minimal
5- Wide Grip pullup (hollow body)
5- Narrow Grip pullup (hollow body)
5- L-sit Pullup

6 min. of:
2min Tabata Hollow Rocks
2min Tabata Hollow scissor kicks
2min Tabata Hollow Rocks

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