DL: APRE – Double overhand/clean grip
***ADJUST 10rm dependent on last week***
Set 1-50% of 10rm/12
Set 2-75% of 10rm/10
Set 3-Max Reps of 10rm
Set 4-Adjust weight dependent on reps in set 3 as below

*Weight Change Based on Reps in set 3
Reps – Weight Change
4-6 – Decrease 5-10#
7-8 – Decrease 0-5#
9-11 – No Change
12+ – Increase 5-10#

4 rounds for time
6 single arm KB snatch (55/35)
6 single arm OH walking lunge steps
6 single arm KB snatch w/ opposite arm
6 single arm OH walking lunge steps
6 burpees over KB handle
1 Min Rest Between Rounds


Before Conditioning
Clean From Blocks below knee:
1 Clean pull to mid thigh + 1 Clean = 1
Every 90 sec: 40/2, 50/2, 60/2, 70/1, 75-88/1*4

3 sets on bar: 5 strict pullups only to 90 degrees + 5 H/A kips

10 min. EMOM
E- 6 kipping pullups
O- 6 butterfly pullups
*same kip on both!!

After Conditioning
Accumulate 30 hollow inch worms – never lose shoulder to hip connection