In teams of 3, conga line style, AMRAP in 7 min:
21 Cal Row
15 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
9 Toes to Bar
rest 4 min, then do another 7 minutes picking up where you left off.

One athlete at each station, rotating once everyone’s reps are complete. 

Back Squat: Work up to 75% and complete 5 sets of 3 as EMOM

Extra – All after the Conditioning

4 sets
-50 ft. Waiters carry each arm (35/55)

15 Jerk Grip OHS w/ empty barbell – 8 sec. Tempo descent

EMOM x 10 min: 3 Strict Press @ 85% of 3RM from last week

For Time, Must Be Completed In Order:
30 Strict Pullups
50 Kipping Pullups
30 C2B Pullups

4 sets of 15 Barbell rollouts/evil wheels