Holiday Schedule
Saturday 24th: 9AM Community WOD (bring family and friends!)
Sunday 25th: Closed
Monday 26th: 9AM / 10AM
Monday Jan 2nd: 9AM / 10AM


Clean: 6-8 sets of 3 start, around 50% and build

4 Rounds for Time:
6 Power Cleans (115/75 | R+ 155/105)
160ft. Shuttle Run (40ft increments)
6 Front Squats (115/75 | R+ 155/105)
80 ft. Prisoner Lunge (40ft increments)
1 Minute Rest


2 min. AMRAP
-10 UB DU
-10 DL (225/155)
-20 UB DU
-10 DL (225/155)
-add 10 DU e/round
Rest 2 min and Repeat

15 MU for time w/towel b/n feet
-scale w/ banded MU transitions w/ towel b/n feet to ensure hollow pos.

4 sets:
-15 ghd hip extension
-25 hollow rocks