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Clean + FS + Jerk (1+1+1): In 5 sets starting at 60% find a max for the complex, drop 10% and complete 2 sets there

4 Rounds for Time:
12 Pullups
10 OHS (95/65)
8 Burpee Over Bar
1 minute rest


Before Class
Deadlift clusters: 5.3.1 x 4 sets @75%, rest 10 sec between reps, rest 90 sec between sets

10 min. Before Conditioning
2 attempts Max HS walk w/ 1 min rest between

Right After Metcon
2 min. after last Conditioning round
2 attempts Max HS walk w/ 1 min rest between

8 Min.EMOM
3 candlestick rolls + 20 sec. hollow hold