A lot of big numbers on workouts today, great work everyone! Shout out to Coach Travis on his 225lb Snatch! Speaking of Coaches, help us congratulate Coach Jill on the CrossFit Kids certification she completed this weekend! Jill has also made her way to the shadowing/assisting phase of her CFW coach training program, so you will be seeing her around various classes helping out.

Clean: 50/2, 60/2, 70/2, 75/1, 80/1, 85/1, 50/max reps in 60 sec,
all are full squat

Record individual round times:
200m run
rest 2:1
400m run
rest 2:1
800m run
rest 2:1
400m run
rest 2:1
200m run

Deadlift Cluster: 3.2.1 @ 70%, rest 5 sec between 3,2,1 rest 90 sec between sets x 3 sets

Post Metcon – For Time:
Every 60 sec x 5 min: 3-4 UB MU

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