AMRAP in 10 min:
2 Pullups | R+ C2B
2 HR Pushups | HSPU (Open Standard)
2 Burpees
etc until timecap
For HSPU, use existing line and confirm with someone else that you’re consistently extending over the line.
4 Rounds:
20 GHD situps to parallel
20 Hollow Rocks
10 Arch Rocks
Extra – After Class in this order…
4 min. Every 30 sec. w/barbell
– 2 Jerk Grip OHS + 10 sec. hold in bottom of last rep
EMOM x 12 min:
Even min: 3 Push Press + 3 Power Jerk AHAP
Odd min: ME Pullup hold chin over bar in hollow position (up to 45 sec)
Back Squat: 5.3.1 x 5 sets @ 80%
rest 10 sec between 5.3.1
rest 2 min between sets