BB Smash: Traps, Triceps, Forearm, Quads
Box Elevated Ragdoll Stretch
Hamstring Adductor Box Stretch
Box Elevated Pigeon Stretch
Box Elevated Child’s Pose
Dynamic Warm-up
2 Sets
10sec Chin-up Hold (Top) + 3 Strict Chin-ups
5 Tempo Single Arm DB Push Press (20X1)
6 Box Blast Off ea/leg
Bench Press (21X1): Build up to 70%, then 4×4 Paused Bench Press
(2sec descent, 1sec pause at bottom, 1″ above the chest, explode up, 1sec pause at top)
AMRAP in 12 Minutes:
12 Single Arm DB Devil’s Press (50/35) | (70/50)*
10 DB Box Step Overs (20″)
8 Pull-ups | C2B
6 T2B
200m Run
*perform all 6 reps on one side before moving onto side