Everyone is improving quickly on the lifts. It’s actually quite impressive considering the number of you that I assume have never touched a barbell before. The lifts are complex and dynamic. They are not easy to do well, and impossible to due perfectly. Unless your name is Leonid Taranenko. That’s 586 lbs he’s holding over his head. Yeah… that’s what I thought the first time I saw it. The point is, the lifts are fun, challenging and eventually you will be good at them, but not over night.

Tuesday we get to do something else that’s fun and challenging…

WOD 06/05/12

7min of Handstand practice
7min of Deadlift practice

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Deadlift (225/155)
HSPU (Handstand Pushups)

Don’t let the handstands discourage you. As always we will scale everything from advanced to first timers! See you at the gym.