Phase II (or the re-test portion) of the August benchmark (“Cindy”) will be on Thursday. Wednesday will be our easy skill day. So what I’m trying to say is don’t miss Thursday if you want to complete the benchmark workout. September’s benchmark will be next Monday, so don’t miss that day either.


3X2, 2X1 Back Squats @ 100% of 3RM – 2 minutes rest.

Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes (10 total rounds):

21 Double-Unders
7 Pullups
3 Ground to Overhead

NOTE: The goal is to finish the effort having completed each round within the time limit, and to have done it with the heaviest possible weight on the bar. Do not use a weight so heavy that you will not be able to finish a round, but also do not underestimate. You may take weight off, but you MAY NOT add weight at any time. Score is the weight used for the final round.