Our first Cubfit class is tonight at 6:30pm! Be sure to sign up on the kids page if you haven’t. It will be a full class and we will have a regular class going on at the same time so expect a crowd. Should be fun!
Reminders: Pay your dues. Sign in. Put a decal on your car. Do more mobility work. Kapow Fit Packs are available at the gym. One bottle of ON Fish Oil still in stock. See Chris to pre-order a case of Kill Cliff buy the end of the week.
If you helped with the move or the party, we owe you a Free decal.
15 minutes to establish a 1RM High-Bar Back Squat.
NOTES: Hips MUST be bellow parallel for attempt to count.
10min AMRAP:
10 Clean Hi-Pulls 135/95# DEMO
50 Double-Unders
20 Pullups