We are still hearing multiple questions about signing up for the CrossFit Games Open. I’ll try to answer some of them now…

-Everyone, EVERY SINGLE PERSON, from CrossFit Wylie should register for the Open. This is an all-inclusive competition that allows for all levels of people to compete. It is truly one of the best community building times we will have each year. It gives everyone an opportunity to participate in the most fun aspects of a CrossFit competition, and all you have to do is show up for your normal workout if you can’t make the special event each Friday night.

-Two ways to register…
RX: Click here: Open Registration. When you are asked to choose a team simply choose CrossFit Wylie and you will be added to our roster.
Scaled: Click Here: CrossFit Wylie Open Challenge and submit the form on the bottom of the page. Or sign up at the gym.

-We will be performing each of the weekly Open workouts as our regular gym workout each Friday and host a special 2 hour session each Friday night for those that really want to have some fun with it. If you are registered, and cannot make a workout, we will figure out a way for you to get it in. Again, there is no excuse for anyone to not register for the Open or the Challenge. All you will have to do is show up at the gym, every Friday, and perform the scheduled workout.


HBBS: 1X5@70%, 1X5@75%, 1X3@80%, 1X3@85%

For time:
90 Jump Rope
3 Power Cleans @ 95/65#
15 Wall Balls 20/12#
6 Power Cleans @ 95/65#
10 K2C
9 Power Cleans @ 95/65#
10 K2C
6 Power Cleans @ 95/65#
15 Wall Balls 20/12#
3 Power Cleans @ 95/65#
90 Jump Rope

HBBS: 1X5@70%, 1X5@75%, 1X3@80%, 1X3@85%

For time:
30 Double-Unders
3 Power Cleans @ 135/95#
20 Wall Balls 20/12#
6 Power Cleans @ 135/95#
15 T2B
9 Power Cleans @ 135/95#
15 T2B
6 Power Cleans @ 135/95#
20 Wall Balls 20/12#
3 Power Cleans @ 135/95#
30 Double-Unders

1) HBBS: 1X5@70%, 1X5@75%, 1X3@80%, 1X3@85%, 3X2@90%

2a) 3X3 Snatch First Pulls + Hang Snatch Pulls – heavy, rest 60 sec.|
Pause for 3 counts at the top of the first pull. Then, from the hang position perform a snatch pull.
2b) 3X1 Snatch Balance + 3 OHS – heavy, rest 60 sec.

3) 5-10 Minutes Handstand Walk Practice

For time:
60 Double-Unders
3 Power Cleans @ 185/120#
30 Wall Balls 20/14#
6 Power Cleans @ 185/120#
15 T2B
9 Power Cleans @ 185/120#
15 T2B
6 Power Cleans @ 185/120#
30 Wall Balls 20/14#
3 Power Cleans @ 185/120#
60 Double-Unders
