Upcoming Olympic Weightlifting Technique Cycle!

– 2 Classes per week for 9 Weeks
– Starts Feb. 23 – Mondays & Wednesdays
– 7:30AM & 7:00PM
– Class Size Limited

These classes are for all levels, and open to everyone but is the same level of training that has developed multiple National level weightlifters and National Record breaking lifts. We focus on proper movement and technique in the Snatch and Clean & Jerk, increasing safety, strength, efficiency, and enjoyment! The cycle lasts 9 weeks and is guaranteed to improve your lifts.

Class sizes are limited. Athletes must attend the class they register for, and must attend every class. Each class builds on the next as a progression, so any missed classes will need to be made-up.

The Intro Cycle is required for all athletes wanting to participate in the Extra Training, or the Competitive Weightlifting Training.

CrossFit Wylie Member Price: $60
Non-Member Price: $350

*Includes 2 Free Make-up sessions. Additional missed classes will need to be made-up at discounted private training rate.

Space is limited, email crossfitwylie@gmail.com to register.


A) Handstand Hold: 6 x 15-30 seconds
B) Front Rack Lunges: 6 x 6 (heavy but perfect, 3r/3l)

For Time:
KB Swings (53/35)
Rx+ = 70/53, C2B PU

Split Jerk: 1 rep max must start at empty bar, minimum of 6 attempts in 8 minutes.

5 Rounds:
10 Hang Power Clean (115/75)
1 rope climb to 15 feet

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